Our Service



Pure Tone

Pure tone audiometry (PTA) standard behavioural test of an individual’s hearing sensitivity. Test results are recorded on a graph called an Audiogram. Audiometry provides information about hearing levels across the frequencies used in speech. It gives an inference with regard to how well, or how poorly, an individual can hear specific frequencies and for a comparison of one ear to the other. It also allows a clinician to make inferences with regard to diagnosis and possible management options.



No child is too young for a hearing test! Infants are now routinely screened for potential hearing loss before they leave the hospital. The type of test used to assess a child’s hearing status depends on the age and cognitive function of the child.

Behavioral observation assessment (BOA) testing is conducted by an audiologist specially trained to detect bodily reactions to sound i.e. cessation of activity, body movement, eye widening, eye opening, or change in sucking rate.

Conditioned play audiometry By approximately 2 1/2 – 3 years of age most children can be tested using Earphones. She/he is conditioned to play various games when the test tone is heard. This method requires the child to raise a hand when the test tone is heard.




Tympanometry or acoustic admittance testing is an integral part of the test battery. it is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the conduction bones by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal. Tympanometry is an objective test of middle-ear function.




BERA is an objective hearing test especially for newborns, infants and even older children who cannot respond consistently in subjective tests (Pure Tone Audiometry).Brain activities in response to sound are elicited and recorded by multiple electrodes placed over the head (during resting or sleep state). It is also helpful to test adult patients with a certain degree of mental impairment, such as the autistic and developmentally delayed.


ASSR along with BERA is used in audiological diagnosis to provide frequency specific estimation of hearing levels


Is a non-invasive objective test to assess the functioning of tiny cells of the inner ear. As this test does not need any response from the patient, it’s used as a hearing screening test for neonates and infants. The major advantage of this test is that it hardly takes 5-10 minutes and yields a frequency specific Pass/Fail result.



Hearing Aid Trials & Dispensing

Our audiologist will discuss about different models of hearing aids and careful consideration would be taken to select the few hearing aids appropriate for your hearing levels (and configuration), hearing needs and budget; which would then be tried on to assess real life advantage. Once the best suiting hearing aids have been selected a computer program containing data of your hearing thresholds  (audiogram) is used by the Audiologist for programming the hearing aids. A proper fit of hearing aids would be ensured in a sound treated room. An impression of your ear canal is taken so that the hearing aids or ear moulds fits your ears comfortably. Counselling about expectations and reality of hearing aid usage along with care and maintenance of hearing aids will be done. Follow up appointments are done for any fine tuning according to additional needs of the hearing aid user.


Speech And Language Assessment

Speech and language assessment involves evaluating an individual’s communication ability and includes case history, medical status, Patient and family interview, tests of language, cognition and speech clarity. Child’s current language level is compared to normal speech language milestones and a delay is determined. Associated problems of Autism, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Hearing loss, Cerebral palsy, Cleft Palate, Aphasia/Stroke are given extra consideeration during assessment.




Auditory-Verbal Therapy is a specialized therapy designed to teach a child to use cochlear implant and hearing aid for understanding speech and learning to talk. AVT is a parent centered approach that emphasizes the child to learn to listen, process verbal language, and to speak. The aim of AV therapy is to help the child enter mainstream school with age-appropriate language.


Speech And Language Therapy

Treatment in the context of speech – language disorders refers to rehabilitation, counselling and behaviour modification. Clinic offers treatment for a variety of speech & language disorders based  on systematic and scientific lines,involvement of significant others in the treatment process. the goal is to help the person communicate in more useful and functional ways. The clinic provides therapy one-on-one along with parents. speech therapy is a clinical program aimed at improving speech and language skills and oral motor abilities.